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Game Design

48 Hour GMTK Game Jam 2020

I entered with my mate James and 2 programmer friends, but last minute the programmers dropped out, so instead of quitting I decided to code the game myself while learning Game Maker Studio 2 on the fly, while also designing levels, figuring out the art style, and helping with sound effects.

The result was a small little puzzle game found at: 

Last Rites - a Hand Drawn, Dark Fantasy Fighting Game

I worked on Last Rites for around 7 months for my final university project alongside a team of 2 programmers and 4 other artists. Beyond being team leader my role ended up being quite vague, switching between concept art, UI, animation, gameplay design and QA testing. This was while working on the design documents and planning team milestones to keep up with alpha/beta/gold deadlines and presentations. Overall it was both a challenging and rewarding experience, and solidified my love for making games.

The game: